Turn the Red Sea Green!
Hector's and Maui's dolphins are heading for extinction because only a fraction of their habitat is protected. Join our 'Turn the Red Sea Green' Campaign to ban all gillnet and trawl fishing throughout the dolphins' range. It's the only way to secure their future! Gill and trawl nets have picked off Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins for over three decades because their habitat is not properly protected. Three quarters of Hector's dolphins are already gone and there are just 55 adult Maui's dolphins left. Unless this changes, those that are still alive will follow the thousands that have already died. They simply can't afford to wait. turn the red sea green! to save them! |
Hector's and Maui's dolphins inhabit coastal waters up to a depth of 100 m (red). Because only a fraction of their home is protected against harmful fishing methods (green) their numbers continue to dwindle away. CLICK map to enlarge.
Hector's and Maui's Dolphin SOS